Sunday 6 October 2013

Colossus with sneakers of clay

"Yes We Can" was the breathless slogan Barack Obama surfed into power on, becoming the 44th US president in 2008. Although re-elected, the honeymoon is now well and truly over, with a world class hang-over and booze bill to boot.
The president enjoying the trappings of world power.
Yet he retains the trappings of "The Most Powerful Man On Earth". An army of no-neck security goons, a behemoth limo dubbed "The Beast", a fleet of 747s, a great address with a lovely garden full of roses. Bono on speed dial. It doesn't get better than that. But the current constipation in Congress threatens the status of the US as the only world super-power, the domestic economy, and Holy of Holies, the dollar as the world's reserve currency. Obama's like a headmaster telling a playground of unruly kids to behave, only for them to drop their trousers, bend over and give him a noxious and thunderous answer. The next slogan should read "Yes We Can - If It's OK With You Guys".

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