Tuesday, 8 October 2013

St Bob: "Be Less irish".

St Bob wows his scores of fans at Live 8, Murrayfield, 2005
I often forget why I make it a rule never to take seriously a messianic, faded, third-rate rockstar, bellowing like a dying elephant in the family graveyard, that we're all doomed because of our greed and stupidity. Especially if he's a self proclaimed "equity whore" fronting 8 Miles, a global investment outfit staffed by former  Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan operators, among others. And especially if he's quite legally avoided huge sums of tax as a non-dom since the 70's because of his Irish citizenship.
Then, Bob Geldof reminds me why.
Speaking recently at the 'One Young World' summit in Johannesburg, Saint Bob wailed at the 8,000 international delegates: "We're in a very fraught time. There will be a mass extinction event."  Earth as we know it could end by 2030 thanks to the ravages of climate change, he sobbed.
His solution: "Be Less Irish. Less Cameroonian. Less Chinese. Less Russian. More human." And maybe a bit less Bob. Though why the good people of The Cameroon are singled out for opprobrium, I have no idea.
If I was a quack therapist in Beverley Hills, I would offer the following diagnosis for Saint Bob's despair. "Bob : you're a crap rockstar, get over it". I speak as a survivor of his 2005 Live 8 performance at Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh. Topping the bill were The Gods. James Brown. Bono. Snow Patrol. George Clooney. Annie Lennox. Wet Wet Wet. Will Young. From these giddy heights, we descended into the fetid mire that is the Geldof songbook. The Great Song of Indifference was the highlight, opening with the lyric "I don't care if you live or die". I didn't either.

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