Thursday 26 September 2013

Dezza v Prezza. Seconds out!

Prezza aims for a Chow Mein, but misses
Weasel Watchers, mark this Friday's IPCC report in red ink. It'll offer up Weasel Fest of heroic proportions. A right old punch up between Global Warming Alarmists (those who believe man made carbon emissions are heating up the planet and threatening our very survival), and Global Warming Sceptics (those who think the former are talking crap). The Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (made up of world Alarmists, great and good) has for years scared the shit out of us with blood curdling prophesies we're killing the planet. Cars, planes, people farting etc. You know, all the stuff that makes life worth living. To prove it, they've bombarded us with salvoes of statistics, graphs, reports, marshalling armies of brainy, but life-affirming, people from the Guardian and the BBC, to Al Gore, Sting, Bono, Prince Charles,Tony Blair, even the noble Baron Prescott of Kyoto. Set against these titans of the modern age, are sceptics like James Delingpole. A skinny little guy with glasses. He reckons the Alarmists are bunch of globalist shysters, troughers, phonies and research grant scroungers. And on Friday, he just might be proved right. The IPCC are expected to report, hidden in the undergrowth of the small print, that their statistics and models they base the climate horror stories on, are all, err….umm….ahem, not quite as accurate as they thought.
Bet on the Weasel Wordsmiths working triple overtime to spin the story their way
to prove otherwise.
People like James are missing a trick. Most of us can't stomach the facts or the fiction of the debate anymore. We're too busy driving cars and flying on planes to Climate Change conferences/symposiums/summits and then farting like troopers, to take it all in. What we need is a visceral, red blooded, dook out, mano a mano, Dezza v Prezza, Saturday night, after the lottery draw. So muscle up Jimmy Boy, get your gumshield in, and beat the crap out of that Chow Mein guzzling blubber-monster. We'd love you for it and we'd get the point.
Delingpole in training

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