Sunday 15 September 2013

Fear and loathing in Glasgow

Glasgow's a great choice for the Lib Dem conference, but an even better one for a piss-up and a fight.  A night out in that fair city has an uncanny habit of turning from a swallae (swallae - to swallow,  ("Dae ye fancy gon fur a wee swallae doon the pub?") into a stramash (stramash, Scottish noun : an uproar; tumult; brawl). My bet is the simmering tensions within the party will boil over not in the conference hall but in one of the 80 or so, fine drinking establishments of the renowned, or, as some might say, the feared Sauchiehall Street.
My advice to the leadership. Issue a three line whip: No delegates on pub crawls, especially any organised by Charlie Kennedy.

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