Tuesday 17 September 2013

Hot wind from the cold north

Sir Alan B'Stard pays his respects to Holyrood
An apology : to all my friends and colleagues in Scotland,
I am sorry.
Sorry for painting the independence vote, in exactly one year's time, as a glaring example of man made global warming in history. A miasma of hot wind, a mistral of nauseous gas will belch hard and strong for 365 days, from the media and political engine that is Holyrood.
As a veteran observer and news photographer of 15 years of the Scottish political scene, I'll bet the house on a 2:1 vote in favour of the Union. And everyone up there, including the SNP, knows it. In the meantime, the journos, the psephologists, analysts, commentators, and politicians and their coteries, will stoke up the heat of controversy to gas mark 11. Because it's the only show in town. Without Independence,
Scotland's news value is on a par with Norwich. With Independence, it's Page One, Coast to Coast, Network. They'll even hear about it in Perth. Western Australia, that is.

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