Monday 16 September 2013

Lib Dems - over the top

At last! The waiting's over. The hearts are pounding, the adrenalin is pumping, the sinews have tightened. The rifles are loaded and cocked. The whistles have sounded. ''Over the top, lads. For God, Queen and Cleggie!"
                                 Photo shows Lib Dems in Glasgow today.
 The Lib Dem army has seized on a just cause worth dying for. After years of political torpor, trenchfoot, and meagre rations, the troops are ready to bound into action, wade through the mud and barbed wire of coalition compromise.
 This is it. The Big Push. The  Donkeys have devised a cunning plan for their Lions, worthy of Private Baldrick himself. General Clegg has devised a masterstroke to change the course of the whole campaign. "We're going to invent a new mansion tax for properties worth over £2m!" he announced to his loyal divisions. "One we'll die in the trenches for!"
Beware of what you wish for, General.
The voting public might just grant it.


Unknown said...

A reader comments:"What is the unspoken common denominator that links many leading Lib Dem figures: Cyril Smith, Rennard (allegedly), Oaten, Hancock (allegedly), Clegg ('No more than 30 women'), Huhne (affair with a bi-sexual Wallace lookalike), Jeremy Thorpe ...? Is it a passionate commitment to social equality? A stronger economy? A fairer society? Um . . . is it something to do with sex? Answers please Weasel!"

Unknown said...

many thanks for lumbering me with three years of thankless, unpaid research. Quick answer of course is good old sex. The Lib Dems do seem to have a higher than average per capita casualty rate in the Trouser Department at the Palace of Westminster. But they have the redeeming feature of being more exotic than the Old Parties with a heroic column-inch tally in the media.
Let's not forget the newcomer to the swingers party that is British politics. Ukip. Can't wait.